Using safe and effective cleaning products and chemicals are not only important for our environment; they protect our employees and yours by providing a healthier way of cleaning.
If you’re a customer that selects GForce to provide you with paper products, we only purchase green seal certified paper using either 100% recycled or paper products that focus on eliminating paper waste.
You are provided with new equipment that’s certified by the Carpet Institute of America. Vacuumes purchased by GForce have been approved by the Carpet and Rug Institute for the vacuum cleaner and Indoor Air Quality Testing Program. Each vacuum collects at least 99.9% of indoor pollutants one micron or larger. Matched with our routine vacuuming schedule GForce inhabits the build up of harmful particles. Vacuuming without proper filtration is one of the main causes of allergens and other harmful particles into the air. A fact reported in science illustrated reports that dust contains dirt, textile fibers, pollen, hair flakes, residue from cleaning chemicals, decaying oganic matter,dust mites, bacteria, fungi, viruses and a verity of other contaminants.
Be assured, what’s not dumped down the drain is harsh chemicals after use. The products are not only green using non abrasive chemicals, however the packaging is recycled as well. From the water we drink to the air we breathe are all important factors of green cleaning.taff.
Contact Gforce Janitorial, llc to get a quote on your office / business / commercial locationspace for a cleaning solution
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